AWS ECS - Elastic Container Service :
A way to run/launch docker containers on AWS EC2 instance
You must provision & maintain the infrastructure ( the EC2 instances )
AWS takes care of starting / stopping containers
Has integrations with Application Load Balancer
AWS Fargate :
Launch Docker containers on AWS
You do not provision the infrastructure (no EC2 instances to manage) - simpler!
Serverless offering
AWS just runs containers for you based on the CPU/RAM you need
Elastic Container Registry - ECR
Private Docker Registry on AWS
This is where you store your docker images in S3 so they can be run by ECS or Fargate.
EKS - Elastic Kubernetes Service
A way to manage and run Kubernetes apps.
AWS Lambda :
Instead of running servers like EC2 where you pay for the instance, in Lambda, you run the functions you want to do and you only pay for the compute time you used.
Serverless -> You don't have to manage any servers.
Scales automatically and seamlessly
Lots of programming languages are supported.
Pricing : -> You are charged based on the number of requests for your functions and time it takes for your code to execute.
AWS Batch :
Easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs across lots of EC2 or spot instances
Batch jobs = Scheduled programs that are assigned to run on a computer without further user interaction.
Batch jobs are defined as docker images and run on EC2
AWS Lightsail :
Virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking for a low predictable price, alternative to EC2, RDS, ELB, EBS, Route 53..
Super simple UI to help people with little/no cloud experience.
Has high availability but no auto-scaling, limited AWS integrations
Amazon API Gateway :
Example : building a serverless API
Fully managed service for developers to easily create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs
Serverless and scalable
Supports RESTful APIs and webSocket APIs
Support for security, user authentication, API throttling, API keys, monitory
Other Compute - Summary
Docker : Container technology to run applications.
ECS - Elastic Container Service : Run Dock containers on EC2 instances.
Fargate : -> Run Docker Containers without provisioning the infrastructure. -> Server-less offering ( no EC2 instances)
ECR : Private Docker Images Repository
Batch : run batch jobs on AWS across managed EC2 instances.
Light-sail : Predictable & low pricing for simple application & DB stacks
AWS Lambda : -> Lambda is server-less, Function as a Service, seamless scaling, reactive -> Lambda Billing : - By the time run x but thee ram provisioned. - By the number of invocations. -> Language Support : many programming languages except (arbitrary) Docker -> Invocation time : up to 15 minutes. -> Use cases : Great thumbnails for images uploaded onto S3. -> Run a Server-less cron job.
API Gateway : expose Lambda functions as HTTP API.
Last updated