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Provisioning of AWS resources with infrastructure as code.
Works with almost all AWS services.
No additional charge - you pay only for the AWS resources
Template - A text file containing a model of your whole infrastructure in JSON or YAML
For a better explanation : .
Platform as a Service ( PaaS ) - Provides a platform for developers to deploy and scale applications on the cloud, so you don't have to worry about system administration tasks.
No additional charge - you pay only for the AWS resources needed to store and run your application.
Deploy with a known architecture.
Hybrid service to automate software deployments/updates to on-premises and AWS, e.g. EC2 instances.
For a better explanation :
Hybrid service for patching and running commands to a lot of EC2 instances and/or on-premises servers.
Configuration management hybrid service that provides managed instances of chef and puppet.
Chef and Puppet are automation platforms that allow you to use code to automate the configurations of your servers.
Deploy pre-made packages for different workloads and tasks
Find, test and buy and deploy software taht runs on AWS.
CloudFormation - ( AWS only) : -> Infrastructure as Code, works with almost all AWS resources -> Repeat across Regions & Accounts.
Beanstalk - (AWS only) : -> Platform as a Service (PaaS), limited to certain programming languages or Docker. ->Deploy code consistently with a known architecture : ex, ALB + EC2 +RDS
CodeDeploy - (Hybrid) : -> Deploy & upgrade any application onto servers.
Systems Manager - (Hybrid) : -> Patch, configure and run commands at scale.
OpsWorks - (Hybrid) : Managed chef and Puppet in AWS.
CodeCommit : Store code in private git repository (version controlled).
CodeBuild : Build & test code in AWS.
CodeDeploy : Deploy code onto servers.
CodePipeline : Orchestration of pipeline (From code to build to deploy).
CodeArtifact : Store software packages / Dependencies on AWS.
CodeStar : Unified view for allowing developers to do CICD and code.
Cloud9 : Cloud IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with Collab.
AWS CDK : Define your cloud infrastructure using a programming language
Lets learn about the used materials to deploy and manage infrastructu