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Not going deeply in this lesson. Before starting, make sure to read about MBR ''Master Boot Record" and GPT "GUID Partition Table". Lets go... 1- List of disk device types : -> /dev/sda -> KVM disk device type <----> /dev/nvme0n1 -> SSD device type -> /dev/hda -> IDE disk device type <----> /dev/xvda -> Xen virtual disk driver. 2- How to create a backup for a disk -> dd if=/dev/<device> of=/root/diskfile bs=1M count=1 3-Difference between MBR and GPT : -> MBR : Can't create more than 4 partition, can't partition the disk with +'2TB. -> GPT : +128 partition, can partition the disk +8ZB -> parted -l : To know which one your OS uses. (msdos is MBR). 4-List of storage units :
There is many different ways to create a partition, either using fdisk, gdisk or parted. First you'll need to list all the blocks to know which device is avaible using "lsblk" Lets start using fdisk utility.
to create a partition using fdisk follow my steps : -> fdisk /dev/sda 2- m : to list all the commands 3- n : to create new partition 4- primary : to make it a primary partition, 5- PRESS ENTER to set the first sector 6- specify the partition size, exp +500M 7- p to print the table. 8- w to save. 9- partprobe to informe the kernel that a new device partition is added.
Lets create a partition using gdisk : -> gdisk /dev/sdb 2- ? : to list all the commands 3- n : to create new partition 4-PRESS ENTER : to leave the first sector by default 5- Specify the disk partition size, if you leave it empty the whole disk will partitioned. exp : +500M 6- PRESS ENTER : to leave the partition type at Linux file system. 7- P : to print the partition table. 8- w to save. 9- use partprobe - partx to tell the kernel new partition is added.
You can create a partition using parted, parted support mbr and gtp.
-> parted /dev/sdc
2- mklabel (gpt/msdos)
3- mkpart
3-1 primary
3-2 filesystemtype (xfs-ext4-ext3..)
3-3 starting from : 1MiB --- Assuming we have already a partition with 154MiB, then you will need to start from 155MiB.
3-4 ends in : 257 MiB.
4- set
4-1 Partition Number : 1
4-2 flag to invert : to set the partition type.
4-3 New state? on
You don't know what is file system? A filesystem in this context is a way of arranging, or rather, a system of arranging files on a drive. Just as books can be arranged in a shelve horizontally or vertically, a filesystem is also a system files can be arranged on a device. xfs is the default file system for rhel8, pervious versions, ext(2,3,4) were the default one.
fsck -N <partition> to know the file system of a particular partition. mkfs.<type> /dev/<devicename> to create a file system for a partition. example : mkfs.xfs /dev/sda
⦁ ext: Tune2fs -l /dev/sdx -> showing filesystem properties. Tune2fs -o acl,user_xattr | tune2fs -o ^acl,user_xattr (to switch it off). Tune2fs -L label /dev/sdb -> to create a label for /dev/sdb. ⦁ Xfs: xfs-admin -L label /dev/sdb to create a label for /dev/sda. xfs_admin -l /dev/sdx -> to show xfs properties.
Below, you will find the write steps to mount a file system : -> df -hT to all the drivers and parts mounted on. 1- mkdir /mnt/mymp to create a mountpoint 2- mount /dev/<devicename> <mount point> (You can use LABEL instead of dname) exp : mount /dev/sda /mnt/mymp => to mount the device temporarily 3- echo "/dev/sda /mnt/mytmp xfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab => to mount it persistently. 4- systemctl daemon-reload 5- mount -a 6- mount => to verify the mounting. 7- umount /mnt/mymp to unmount the device.
swap partition is used to support the memory. below you will find the right steps to make a 200M swap partition :
free -m -> to check kthe memory states. lsblk -> to see what disk is free to work on
fdisk /dev/sdc (n,ENTER,ENTER,200M,t(type),L(list)(search for swap),82,w)
partx; lsblk -> to verify the creation
mkswap /dev/sdc -> to make swap on /dev/sdc
echo "/dev/sdc swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab -> to mount the swap
swapon /dev/sdc to activate the swap
free -m -> to verify.
Hope this was useful, lets advance and learn about lvm and stratis and vdo.
Learn how to manage storage in RHEL 8.