Summary and Exam essentials :
Users : mapped to physical user. Normally, IAM users are created in businesses and groups so they don't have the full access. IAM user has a password for AWS Console
Groups : Contains users only, IAM users can be part of multiple groups.
Policies : JSON document that outlines permissions (Allow/Deny) for users or groups
Roles : Are permissions for EC2 instances or AWS services
Security : MFA + Password Policy MFA -> Multi Factorial Authentication
AWS CLI : manage your AWS services using the command-line
AWS SDK : manage your AWS services using a programming language
Access Keys : access AWS using the CLI or SDK
Audit :
-> IAM Credential Reports : is just a report that lists all your account's users and status of their credentials.
->IAM access Advisor : shows the permissions of a user and when they were last used.
IAM policy simulator : lets you test IAM policies.
Last updated